Up the Garden Path 8

One month on and the summerhouse roof is still unfixed and the shed is still baseless but in my defence, I have been away. In my absence, things have been growing apace, not least the pesky convolvulus. I am particularly please with the progress of the ‘veg patch’.

I however can relate the saga of the pond. Daughter and son-in-law have recently moved house and inherited an enormous garden. In amongst the weeds wild area was an old butler sink. Having established that it was surplus to requirements, I decided that I would acquire it to create a mini pond. As we were in the area a few weeks ago, with sufficient room in the copious boot, it was time for mission pond to commence. Said sink was a long way down a very long garden. These sinks, although small are dear reader, not light. Never fear, with the aid of son-in-law’s muscle and a wheelbarrow, the soon-to-be-a-pond was stowed neatly in the boot.

Part two of the saga relates to how to get the sink out of the boot minus any muscular assistance and is a clear illustration that I did not think this through. I am actually quite good at lifting and carrying stuff, sheds for example but lifting up and over is not my thing. This is the point at which we became acutely aware that we are pretty much devoid of local friends and acquaintances who are fit enough for heavy lifting. To add to the difficulty, it needed to be done quickly, as we were about to set off on holiday and didn’t want to take a heavy sink with us. Fortunately, inspiration struck and a kind, not quite so local friend, who happened to be in the area helped us and the sink out. It now reclines in roughly the right place waiting to be cleaned and to have its plug hole fibre glassed up. This task is firmly in the queue behind summerhouse roof fixing and shed moving. Cue putting ‘how to create a tiny pond’ in my web browser.

One comment on “Up the Garden Path 8

  1. Vanessa Oliver says:

    Very impressed with your progress, Janet

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