Forays into the Sixteenth Century and other news

There’s not much to report but I thought I should mark the fact that it is exactly six months since I moved house. The time has flown by, not helped by losing a month to Covid. The house is pretty well settled. There are things I want to do but nothing urgent. Everything has a place and I am just awaiting some shelves to unpack the last two boxes of ornaments. I am loving being able to see the sea almost every day, although I am ashamed to say that I have not yet co-ordinated time, tide and temperature to dip my toe in. I’ll leave gardening progress to a post of its own. Much of my local walking takes place in the early hours of the morning. This photo was taken at 6am less than ten minutes from home.

Recent excitements have included a few days seeing family and walking on the Isle of Wight. ’Walking’ makes it sound like we going on ten mile hikes; sadly those days have passed. We did manage a couple of five milers but it was mostly strolling along the cliff path. Then there was a trip on PS Waverley in full OAP mode, using my bus pass to get to the pick-up point. There have been meals out with friends and more to come. Mistress Agnes may also have been spotted at an event commemorating the 475th anniversary of the Prayer Book Rebellion, trying armour on unsuspecting passers by and killing people off sixteenth century style. This was quite fun as members of the audience succumbed to plague, warfare and accusations of witchcraft amongst other things.

It hasn’t all been fun and games and I have yet to comprehend what ‘retirement’ might mean. The job I must not mention is now in full flow, so other things will take a back seat for the next couple of months. I do still have some talks to give and my online One-Place Studies course for Pharos Tutors starts on Monday. That will be swiftly followed by another run of Writing your Family History. There’s a new course in preparation for next year but more of that another time. It won’t go public until I’ve actually written it! I have managed to get another non-fiction book off to the publishers but that won’t see the light of day until well in to next year.

4 comments on “Forays into the Sixteenth Century and other news

  1. Denise Probert says:

    Hi Janet,

    A lovely view! I’m currently in a rehabilitation hospital recovering from pneumonia. Probably the only vaccination I didn’t have this year!

    I can relate to the past COVID tiredness. I haven’t been the same since I caught it for the second time last year. Always short of breath. So I’ve been undergoing a lot of testing. Ironically I ended up staying in a sleep study room in one hospital. But my study couldn’t take place because I already had pneumonia!

    In Europe & England in April, I forwent much walking, or climbing of any castle & cathedral towers.

    Not having my laptop means minimal research at the moment.



  2. Stunning photo 🙂 hope you are well recovered from Covid!

    • Yes thanks – 6 months on and I still occasionally get periods of overwhelming exhaustion. Definitely not ‘just a cold’, despite having all the vaccines I can. Pretty much over it now though.

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